+1 (562) 684-4928
Note : This tool is a traditional mop, not the ingenious G-FORCE water fed tool!
While we have your attention, 2025 is the year that REACH-iT will totally revolutionize and overhaul traditions of window cleaning that have been in place for over 90 years. The first release in TRAD TOOLS for 2025 is the G-FORCE MOP - always flat on glass - G-FORCE MOP is available as a 14” hand tool with 8 different agitation pads with varying qualities and able to be upgraded to a pole tool (any brand pole) by purchasing an aluminum pole stem adaptor for your current pole.
AT JUST $49.95, is like buying a brand new MERCEDES BENZ for 50%OFF.
With absolute versatility in design and function, G-FORCE MOP will blow you away - and from a sustainability point-of-view, this is not a throw-away tool, all parts and SCRUBS are replaceable.
Watch this video to see more, and we welcome you if you are a first-time REACH-IT customer - your whole world is about to change !
G-FORCE MOP is fitted with RADIAL HANDLE - to use it as a pole tool, please order your aluminum POLE STEM ADAPTOR to match YOUR POLE here. All new REACH-iT poles are supplied with POLE STEM ADAPTOR free.